الخميس، 20 مايو 2010

my dear pupils
the link was not the one that I was wanting for you
here is the right one
Sorry again
your teacher
Miss. Kholoud Saleh

What is your opinion

Hello my Pupils
Follow the link to open a questinnaire of our project
The Oddity of Nature
with my regared
your teacher
Miss. Kholoud Saleh

الثلاثاء، 18 مايو 2010

A video for the project

Hi pupils
there is a link here that will guide you to see a video that is related to your project
so I am hopping that you will git a great idea if you related in to your project
I hope this will give you more help
Your Teacher
Miss. Kholoud Saleh
An English Language Teacher
Follow the link below

Photos needed in the project

Hello my dear pupils
Here are some photos which you will need in your project i hope this will give you much help in your project
Your Teacher
Miss. Kholud Saleh

العرض التقديمي للطالب

ارجو من جميع الطلاب حفظ قالب العرض التقديمي للطلبة في مجلد دعم الوحدة بعد تحميله من الرابط التالي :http://www.islamup.com/download.php?id=90328

الاثنين، 17 مايو 2010

Dear Pupils
welcome to your teacher web site
there you will find out all you need
for your lessons
Your Teacher
Miss. Kholoud Saleh